Savory gudeg jogja

Written By why travolta on Saturday, March 19, 2011 | 11:07 AM

The queue of people is always crowded in the theater Permata, Jalan Gadjah Mada. Queue movie? Not. This is the audience warm rice Bu Pudjo that open trade at 21.00 pm. Late at night indeed, but this does not make the buyers patang charcoal. Even when I was in college, we're sitting in lesehan since at 21.00 pm, and only at 22:00 pm Mrs. Pudjo - late, come with delivery tricycles. Until that time we called him Mother-General, for as the generals who awaited the hungry troops.

Gudeg in Yogyakarta there are two types, the first sweet warm rather dry and the second is a warm tasty with coconut milk (areh) thick and somewhat berkuah, such as Bu Gudeg Pudjo. Warm rice served with spicy krecek, vegetable side dishes warm with a choice of wings, head, thighs, menthok (back), ati-rempelo (jerohan chicken) or egg (this one is brown and hard like fossils). It was delicious meal while enjoying the warm atmosphere of Yogyakarta at night, especially mother's generals were waiting for an hour ..... :)

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